Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


Ini cost estimation yg sudah dipake. thx...

putnam slim - christian
SCEW - Teddy
planning poker - adit
cocomo - adreas
wide band - albert
SEER SEM - william

yg lain kl sudah milih tlg di comment. jgn lupa cantumkan nama anda!

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Hari2 UTS smtr 3 di kos 58

Hari pertama (pak ferdi, ce fensin)

hari pertama uts bit stts - 31okt2010 hari pertama uts bit - 31 okt2010

Hari ke 3 (pak edwin, ce ester)

IMG00029-20101104-0121 IMG00030-20101104-2339 IMG00031-20101104-2340 IMG00024-20101104-0017 IMG00025-20101104-0017 IMG00026-20101104-0017 IMG00027-20101104-0018 IMG00028-20101104-0018

Senin, 08 November 2010

Jawaban UTS Networking

Ini beberapa jawaban saya yang nilainya 10. Tlg lengkapin lwt comment. thx

1.Lan stands for local area network which is a network set locally this network usually used RJ45 cable as its media or wireless with its access point managing it. When RJ45 cable is used hub or switch is the connector of those hosts. WAN stands for wide area network. it is more wide than local area. local area is usually network in a building or a room, however wan would cover geographical area such as city, region or continent. there is no specific media for this network. all media including signal wave from satellite is used. internet is the largest computer network. it covers hosts throughout the world. each computer which is connected with the internet is also connected with others which also have internet connection. internet has servers to be accessed and clients who access servers to get information.


6. reliable means every broken/ lost data will be resent by the source. the clients will check if the data is completed. if it’s not, it will request to resend lost data again. data must be collected completely and error free. connection means those two device sent acknowledgement to each other. it will sate their connection state whether they’re connected to each other or not.


  header     trailer  
start address type data data fcs end trailer
8bytes 6bytesx2 2 bytes      



start header : 10101010 7x
                    10101011 1x

address : source address:48bits=12 hexadecimals(mac address)
             target address:48bits=12 hexadecimals(mac address)
type data : 2 bytes

fcs is used for error checking such as question number 4
end trailer to indicate end of frame

8.C class public ip
first octet started by 110x xxxx
which make possible networks from
1100 0000 to 1101 111
192.x.x.x to 223.x.x.x
approximately 2 millions possible network could be assembled

however 192.168.x.x/24 is used as private IP
each network in this class can be filled with 254 usable IP it is 254 derived from 256-networkIP(1)-broadcastIP(1)=254

Jumat, 03 September 2010

CCNA Exploration

Monggo di download materi pak ferdi. Piracy mode : on


NB:link ini hotlink. Jd walaupun tmn2 tak pny id premium, kalian tetep bs download dgn fasilitas premium. sy sudah coba dan, maknyos!!!

Dipersembahkan oleh:ID Hotfile premium becak


Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Tugas Ko Yosi

Dit, si Xiao Long g bisa ditelpon .......

iki link e http://rapidshare.com/files/398563509/Tugas_Ko_yosi.rar

Cobaen ae, nek Id sala ato pass salah,

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


Untuk AJAX, ini script and PPTnya
Silahkan mendownload~~~~~~~
